Aging is prompted by the influx
of free radicals throughout ones lifetime. The result is that the cell
membranes of the epithelial cells are compromised, consequently making
nutrition of the skin a more serious anti-aging action on a daily basis.
Our bodies can handle free radical
invasion under normal circumstances. But there is nothing normal about
the everyday life that most of us live these days. Stress, poor food
choices, lack of organic and pesticide free foods, diminishing ozone layer and
misuse of products are compromising the body's ability to defend itself against
free radicals.

IMPORTANT: Endogenous and Exogenous

Exogenous antioxidants: come from food
and must be taken in on a daily basis.
It is important, though, to explain
the "why" behind an action to make it more appealing for one to take
the action. That is why I tell my clients that their diet is just as important
to their skin health as the products that go on it. It's why I developed
Nanomarine-5, the proprietary ingredient in all my face products. The key
to health is prevention and correction by the body on a daily basis.
It's not about "catching" up for bad behavior. The better
approach is to treat the body like a laboratory and understand that it's
science that keeps us healthy not wishful thinking or luck.
Check out to learn about the
antioxidant ingredient in all my face products and my own antioxidant-rich
nutritional line. Get them today and start taking "action" for
the best you ever!!