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Dig Deep to your soul

 So, I know all the things that I need to do everyday to be the best I can be.  And if I do them I know I will get the results that I want.  BUT, that isn't always the case in daily life.   We get setbacks that just hit us smack in the face.  The setbacks throw us off.  We feel like we are right back where we started before we were all "gun ho" on tacking life and taking control of our happiness.  Here's how I see how to get over the setbacks that will keep happening in life no matter how good you think you got it.  

1. Dig dip into your silence and pull out some courage to move on.  It's beyond hard and beyond ourselves sometimes but you have to.  Otherwise you will get sucked into the vortex of self defeating conversation.  You are your thoughts good and bad.  So try and make the good out way the bad.  That is survival tactics 101.

2. Be positive about what you already have today.  Instead of counting all of what you want.  Why not just be happy that you have what you have and you have to "work"to get what you want. Make sure that what you are hungering for will have a positive affect on another persons life.  A contribution to your fellow man.  That is what we are on this earth to do. We sometimes get lost in ourselves that we forget the purpose of our daily efforts.

3. Find three things that you feel you have improved on with yourself that help you be a better friend, role model, teacher or whatever it is in your world that makes you a contributing figure in your current life.

4. Dig Deep to your soul for the voice of reason and love for yourself.  Once you start showing your self some respect others will show you even more.

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