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Fake a Good Nights Sleep

The Holiday Season can be tiring!  

Get the Fake a Good Nights Sleep

1.  Wash your face and splash cold water on it five times.  

2.  Then to get smooth like a baby skin I use Transceutical™ Canvas which is my primer as well.

3.  Followed by my sheer Innocent Foundation 

4.  To sweep away any the tell-tale signs of the foundation I use the Canvas Brush leaving the skin picture perfect without looking like you have anything on your skin! (Trust me it is worth it!!)   
5. If you want to look youthful instantly do a little bronze on the cheeks!

6. I sometimes just apply my  Cheek and Eye Blending Duo to bronze/highlight  my cheeks and eyes.  I love how it makes me look put together without hav- ing to do a lot.  Giving the skin a splash of "glow" that doesn't look overdone unlike some bronzers that can be heavy.

7.  Go crazy over MASCARA!! That's all you have to do to look young and stunning at any age.  The biggest mistake women make when doing their holiday makeup is doing TOO much!  Now, you don't have time to stress your self over trying to look perfect.  Supermodels don't so why do you!?

Holiday food tip!!! Don't eat sugar in any shape or form!!   It's the one thing that will throw off your metabolism and ability to burn fat.

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