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Skin at its Best: Series 1

Series 1                                                            
Skin at its best 

 Step 1: Wake up and have your Geri G. Green MealCaps Step 2. 
 Step 2: Once you are fully awake do the 

Daily quick 5 min wake up toning/ strengthening fat burning routine. 
      20 repetitions of each exercise - with or without 5 lb. weights.

1. Bend over butterfly 
 2. Bicep curls
 3. Triceps dips 
 4. Push-ups
 5. Curtsy lunges  (20 reps each side)
 6. Chair leg squeeze for inner thighs
 7. Towel curl ups for Abs -  (20 reps center, 20 right side, 20 left side
 8. Sit with the soles of your feet together and try to bend over your feet.  Stretching the inner thigh and hip.
9. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Remember to stretch!

Try, Try, TRY, TRY: Try to walk 10,000 steps a day or 3 miles.  Doesn't matter how you get it in - just get to that number everyday. (Pedometers are a great investment to help make sure you reach your mark! 

Please Remember:  Please consult with your doctor if you have any health concerns.  If you are experience pain/symptoms that occur during exercise can be warning signs.  You should stop exercising right away if you:
- Pain or pressure in the left or middle part of your chest, or in the left side of your neck, left shoulder or left arm
                                                                        - Feel dizzy or sick
                                                                        - Break out in a cold sweat
                                                                        - Muscle cramps
                                                                        - Feel sharp pain in your joints, feet, ankles, or bones
                                                                        - Notice that your heart starts racing or beating irregularly


Find out how to achieve Skin at it's best.

Skin at its best...  

Understanding skin all begins with understanding cause and effect.  If you want young, fresh-looking and fresh-feeling skin then you need to understand what it takes to make physical changes in the skin.  How do you accomplish that?

After years of research and plenty of trial and error to know the answer to this simple yet very extremely complex question.
I have interviewed Doctors, Nutritionists, and Aestheticians experts who specialize in skin, plastic surgery and nutrition.  I have listened to opinions and read their books. I always take away a new perspective and sometimes I have been enlightened with new information or many times, I find my own conceptions and convictions about skin and health have been validated.

I am asked constantly to write another book that updates all I have learned about "pulling it together" to achieve your vision and desires for your best self both inside and out, up and down and everywhere In between.

So, follow me for five days and let me guide you through a step-by-step process to changing your skin, health, mind and spirit. It all comes together beautifully once you educate yourself on how to pull all of the components together.  You will start to live and witness how beautiful you and your life can become. 

It's not easy but it's not as hard as some want you to believe.  What it takes is a desire and will.  That's it.

All the work isn't done in just 5 days. Taking it in small increments will allow me to give you just enough information and homework to keep you on track.  After the first 5 days, then the next 5 days and so on and so on...

Here we go.   Are you ready??  I will also be answering your questions as they arise.  This is your opportunity to get your skin and nutrition-trainer session with me at "no charge".  Just promise yourself that you are going to love your body and love the process of rediscovering it.

Stay tuned.  My next blog will give you information and step 1,2 and 3 to "Skin at It's Best".


Nature's Secret to Health: Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds are one of nature's secrets to health that is still in the shadows of main stream health.

    To make it short and sweet hemp seeds are a protein based plant food that offers the body complete amino acids that are easily digestible and usable.  Proteins are the building blocks of cells.  You must have the right proteins available to the body in order for the body to metabolize and create new healthy cells.  Skin, hair, nails, organs.  You'd name it and its made with protein.

Here is an excerpt from an article from Hemp Line Journal.

     "The best way to insure the body has enough amino acid material to make the globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Since hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edistin, and also includes quantities of albumin, its protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Eating hemp seeds gives the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and provides the necessary kinds and amounts of amino acids the body needs to make human serum albumin and serum globulins like the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Eating hemp seeds could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away. [Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955]"

I personally love hemp by the spoonful.  But they are super in raw cookies.  They give a buttery cream taste to anything.  I throw them in my husbands salads everyday.  Effortless Healthy Eating. 


A Guilt- Free Find! Find Out Why!

Dove Dark Chocolate

  So, here is my find for everyone who is looking for a quick chocolate fix that is easy to find anywhere. Yes, I know some of the healthiest chocolates are hard to find and expensive.
    Recently I came across the Dove dark chocolates.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that they are made with organic cocoa now!

  It is so nice and refreshing to see that corporate America a is finally hearing what many of us health advocates are screaming from the mountain tops about "stop putting junk in the products you make". 
  Nature has given us everything we need to be healthy.  So why do so many people choose to alter it to make it "taste good".

  Make the switch to healthier eating even when it comes down to your chocolate fix.

  One dark dove chocolate has:
42 calories, 2.5 grams of far, 3.4 grams of sugar.

Benefits of Cocoa:

Rich in Minerals: Hass magnesium and copper, these minerals aid in regulating normal blood pressure and subsequently maintaining proper heartbeat levels.

Blood circulation: makes the blood vessels more flexible. 

Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Dark chocolates have been medically proven to reduce  bad cholesterol level by 10-12%.

Boosts Immune System:  Catechins and Epicatechins are the two kinds of flavonoids in chocolates. Dark chocolate has more of Catechins, that boost the immune system and may help prevent chronic ailments.

Great Source of Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is a rich in antioxidant which fight against pre-mature aging. The anti-oxidants also help in fighting against heart diseases.
Increases Serotonin Levels: Dark chocolate contains serotonin, that have of anti- depressants properties.

Cardiovascular: Dark chocolate contain  poly phenols and anti-oxidants boosts the vascular health in (small doses).