Dove Dark Chocolate
So, here is my find for everyone who is looking for a quick chocolate fix that is easy to find anywhere. Yes, I know some of the healthiest chocolates are hard to find and expensive.
Recently I came across the Dove dark chocolates. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they are made
with organic cocoa now!
It is so nice and refreshing to see that corporate America a is finally hearing what many of us health
advocates are screaming from the mountain tops about "stop putting
junk in the products you make".
Nature has given us everything we need to
be healthy. So why do so many people choose to alter it to make it "taste
Make the switch to healthier eating
even when it comes down to your chocolate fix.
One dark dove chocolate has:
42 calories, 2.5 grams of far, 3.4 grams of sugar.
Benefits of Cocoa:
Rich in Minerals: Hass magnesium and copper, these minerals aid in regulating normal blood pressure and subsequently maintaining proper heartbeat levels.
Blood circulation: makes the blood vessels more flexible.

Boosts Immune System: Catechins and Epicatechins are the two kinds of flavonoids in chocolates. Dark chocolate has more of Catechins, that boost the immune system and may help prevent chronic ailments.
Great Source of Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is a rich in antioxidant which fight against pre-mature aging. The anti-oxidants also help in fighting against heart diseases.
Increases Serotonin Levels: Dark chocolate contains serotonin, that have of anti- depressants properties.
Cardiovascular: Dark chocolate contain poly phenols and anti-oxidants boosts the vascular health in (small doses).
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