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Skin at its Best: Series 2

Walking is an excellent and healthy way to get fit and/or lose weight.  Walking is the easiest way to lose weight as you change your eating lifestyle along with eating habits. It can be done anywhere!

Combine your walking habit with strength training workout that I gave you and you will be able to build muscle content, which burns calories at a higher rate than fat, even more ways to use energy without killing yourself or making yourself feel crazy about staying fit.  

How many steps do I need to take to lose weight?
Each mile that a person walks burns roughly 100 calories. If a person was to commit to walking and uses up 300 calories each day equals 2,100 calories a week. 

After just 1 month, that’s roughly 9,000 cal burned, which equates to approximately 2.6 pounds lost without killing yourself or your knees or any other part of your body.  Accumulating those three extra miles a day could be as simple as making small changes in the way you look at being active.  

How many miles a day do YOU need to walk to lose weight?
Remember, it’s all a simple math equation. 

Lets talk numbers:
 1 Mile = 1500 steps for average person.(  I am 5'0 so its 2,500 steps for me to reach a mile.)
 1 Mile walked = 100 calories burned
 3 Miles walked = 300 calories burned
 300 calories x 7= 2,100 a week burned

If you take in 1,200 a day x 7=8,400 calories 
If you normally take in 1,500 calories it leaves you with 2,100 deficit plus you are burning an extra 2,100 a week.
That equals 4,200 calories a week of burning up,extra energy(fat). 
1 Pound = 3500 calories 

  There is the math.  Just by walking you will lose over 1 pound of fat stored energy!!!!!  If you want to lose it faster you just walk more steps. Not kill yourself going fast. It's not about speed it's about distance.  That is what our bodies were made for. Walking distance at normal pace without injury and stress.  Just go out and walk one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door. Just like the song says!!

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