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Stop wasting valuable time

   Life can be exciting, enticing and full of fun.  But one can not lose sight of daily rituals for keeping up the pace of having a well balanced organized life.  

   In order to have fun we must being earning that right and that means working and being accountable.  And for a lot of people it's about not living beyond their means by spending time and money on "stuff" that is filling a void in their lives for self love, acceptance, beauty and basically just acceptance from others.

   It's not about where you live or what you have. It's about YOU! The constant variable in your life is you.  You are the constant no matter where you choose to live or how you choose to live.  It's about you and what you choose to do with your life.

   Think about the money each person would save if they cut out the extras non necessities expenditures and the benefits of being more active. The mental satisfaction of accomplishing daily tasks for their own well-being and just an overall sense of having a "can do" list to accomplish each day would make them rich in time because time is the true money maker in the world.

  •  Time is needed for every action we take.  Time is invaluable, expendable and can be wasted.  Because it has no physical touch to it.  It is taken for granted.  But I think successful people know that aspect of about time and never waste valuable time!

 For example:
  •   Laundry-"can do"
            Pick two days a week, two hours each day that you choose.  Do something enjoyable while the laundry is being washed and dried. Work out for 10-30 mins. Or go for a walk!!!

  • Cleaning- "can do"
        The bathroom, kitchen, vacuum, dust, refrigerator-Weekly maintenance.  Designate cleaning one room a day. By the end of the week you will have a clean house.

  •  Grocery shopping- "can do"

        In Europe everyone goes to the market everyday. LOVE that!! You only purchase what you can carry.  Great way to get daily fresh groceries and exercise in by carrying the groceries and walking with resistance all at the same time.

  •  Washing your car- "can do"

       Clean your car once a week and hand wash it yourself.  Don't have a hose then use two spray bottles. One with a little tea tree oil and water and one with just plain water.  Clean the inside and outside.  Your vehicle will smell clean and look clean and so will you.

 My advise is just that-advice.  I don't focus on "stuff".  Life begins to be simple when its about you and getting your essential needs met everyday. So go out there and get something done yourself and feel how rewarding it can be from the inside out!

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