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Geri G.® at home Lip Treatment

Lips are precious and to keep them yummy and soft you need to protect and treat them at least 2 times a week with my instant lip fix recipe. Easy, fast and so much better than a waxy commercial balm. Follow with one of Geri G.® Lip Gloss Cremes. Part of the holiday gifts specials on sale now. 3/$39. AMAZING value!!

Here is my fast easy lip fix for soft, perky red, healthy lips! 

- 1/8 tsp of raw organic coconut oil
- A pinch of organic cinnamon
- A pinch of organic cayenne pepper
(not too much cayenne.  
A little goes a long way)

Mix it up and use your finger to blend in. Instantly you'll feel your lips tingle with circulation. One lick of your lips and you'll be addicted to my lip fix formula!!  Refrigerate any leftovers for next time! 


The Holidays are HERE! Give the Best Gifts with Geri G.®


    Holidays bring up so many emotions that cover basically every aspect of our lives.  When the holidays come around we feel it is a time to reflect and take stock in how we think we did in the year that is soon coming to an end.  

    It can be surprisingly uplifting or sadly disappointing depending on how you feel you did.  But it should never be that way.  This time of the year is about rebirth and feeling happy that you are in this world with so much to offer to others with your gifts.  so, take a load off and feel good this year about the holidays.
    Here are a few of my favorite things that I think will make you feel every better because you will look better!!

Geri G.® Holiday Gift Guide:


Did You Know That...

Did you Know that??
Peach is a natural neutralist that's why Geri G.® Glowing Cheek and Eye Powder works on all skin tones and skin conditions. Mix it with its sister color Bashful for an over natural youthful lift to your face, eyes and cheeks.

Did you know that??
Transceutical Canvas by Geri G.® is not a BB or CC or any of those crazy hype creams.  It actually was INVENTED before any of those came out and is a one of a kind product created by Geri G.  It is designed to be used before foundation for a perfect skin canvas regardless if you are using foundation or nothing at all.  Great as a night and all over cream from hairline to chest.

Did you know that??
Natural Marine Extracts and B5 that promote hair growth are in Geri G. Plush Mascara.  Yes, it's true your lashes will be in better condition using Plush Mascara plush Nanomarine -5 will assist in keeping your hair strong and healthy. Use Transceutical Canvas on the lashes before applying the Mascara and SHiZAM! The biggest Natural Lashes of your life!!

Did you know that??
Canvas Brush by Geri G. Is a one of a kind brush
Designer brush by Geri G. Again, Geri couldn't find that one brush that did a fll application with one brush. Designed, manufactured and sold exclusively by Geri.   A favorite among top makeup artist. From Foundation to concealer, to eye shadow to blush and contour.  Canvas Brush does it all without never having to put your brush down.


Tone up in 10!

  Using my 10 minute toning routine will reshape your muscles without bulking up.  I have figured out the secret to what it takes to tone your body at any age with just as little as 10 mins a day.

    I have lost weight and then put it back on just to prove that my technique works.  For men and women the key to getting a lean and well functioning body is finding the time and seeing the results to keep you motivated to sticking with your new lifestyle movement approach.  Well, search no more and follow me as I take you through a fast blast of 10 mins a day.  If you have more time then repeat the 10 mins and so on.  That is the beauty of it.  Do at least 10 mins before eating breakfast and if its not breakfast then get it in before lunch or dinner or better yet for faster results do my routine 2-3 times a day.

First thing use your cell phone as a timer.  Set it to 10 mins.

10 mins A DAY!
1. 100 jumping jacks in 2-3 mins time.
2. Air squats 30 countWith holding fitness band on each end as you squat, stretch band out to the side as far as you feel resistance.

3. Side Leg Lifts 30 count each side
With triceps extensions with band.  Hold the band with tension increased on one side and extend tricep to the side that is opposite of the leg that you are lifting to the sides.  This works your legs, triceps and your abdominal muscles and stability training.

4. Back Lunge with Bicep Curl 30 count on each sideLunge back on one leg while performing a bicep curl on the opposite side (the fitness band will be held down with the opposite foot).

5. Side Bent Knee Lift with Lat pull down 30 each leg
Hold band on each end with arms above head and stretched to the sides for lat pull down prep. Simultaneously bring one knew up to the side of the body and pull the arms down behind the head.

6. Abdominal Bent Knee squeeze in
Sit on butt with knees bent and feet off the floor 6-12 inches. On exhale bring knees into abdominal cavity(chest) inhale as you quickly extend legs out with knees slightly bent.  Repeat for 30-50 reps.

Viola!!! You are DONE   

Now go out and feel energized to be the best you you are capable of being today.  Remember there are certain components to reaching a lean healthy body.

1. Eating the right protein in the right amount
2. Toning exercises everyday
3. Being active and walking everyday and everywhere
4. Low,  sugar intake from fruit only
5. No flour, no sugar, no corn, no coffee, no peanuts, limit alcohol to one night a week.
6. Sleep 7-8 hours a night
7. Geri G. Green Meal Caps 2x's a day and at least one Geri G. Essential Meal a day for breakfast or a snack.

If you want some more of my tips please email me your areas of interest and I will answer all your questions personally!! Pease like us on Facebook, twitter and Instagram!!

You can purcha

se my favorite all time one fitness band at my LA store on La Cienega.  But please call first to see if we have it in stock.  It's hard for us to keep up with the demand.


Stop wasting valuable time

   Life can be exciting, enticing and full of fun.  But one can not lose sight of daily rituals for keeping up the pace of having a well balanced organized life.  

   In order to have fun we must being earning that right and that means working and being accountable.  And for a lot of people it's about not living beyond their means by spending time and money on "stuff" that is filling a void in their lives for self love, acceptance, beauty and basically just acceptance from others.

   It's not about where you live or what you have. It's about YOU! The constant variable in your life is you.  You are the constant no matter where you choose to live or how you choose to live.  It's about you and what you choose to do with your life.

   Think about the money each person would save if they cut out the extras non necessities expenditures and the benefits of being more active. The mental satisfaction of accomplishing daily tasks for their own well-being and just an overall sense of having a "can do" list to accomplish each day would make them rich in time because time is the true money maker in the world.

  •  Time is needed for every action we take.  Time is invaluable, expendable and can be wasted.  Because it has no physical touch to it.  It is taken for granted.  But I think successful people know that aspect of about time and never waste valuable time!

 For example:
  •   Laundry-"can do"
            Pick two days a week, two hours each day that you choose.  Do something enjoyable while the laundry is being washed and dried. Work out for 10-30 mins. Or go for a walk!!!

  • Cleaning- "can do"
        The bathroom, kitchen, vacuum, dust, refrigerator-Weekly maintenance.  Designate cleaning one room a day. By the end of the week you will have a clean house.

  •  Grocery shopping- "can do"

        In Europe everyone goes to the market everyday. LOVE that!! You only purchase what you can carry.  Great way to get daily fresh groceries and exercise in by carrying the groceries and walking with resistance all at the same time.

  •  Washing your car- "can do"

       Clean your car once a week and hand wash it yourself.  Don't have a hose then use two spray bottles. One with a little tea tree oil and water and one with just plain water.  Clean the inside and outside.  Your vehicle will smell clean and look clean and so will you.

 My advise is just that-advice.  I don't focus on "stuff".  Life begins to be simple when its about you and getting your essential needs met everyday. So go out there and get something done yourself and feel how rewarding it can be from the inside out!


Bloat Out Smoothie!

So, I woke up today and felt water logged!!

Whether it's the combination of the heat, what you ate the night before and not enough sleep.  We all have those mornings of the "blah bloats."
Here is a good remedy (and one of my favorite green smoothies to enjoy anytime of the day)! 

  • 10 Asparagus stalks (cut up prior to putting into the blender)
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 slice if lemon
  • 1 chuck of fresh ginger
  • 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes

Through everything into your blender and blend till it is a smooth consistency!

Wow! Instant sunshine inside

Asparagus: loaded with Vitamin C.  It is a natural diuretic and supports good digestion.

Ginger: helps the fire in your belly to balance your chi.

Cayenne pepper: acts as a detoxifier.


Cucumber Lemon Morning Smoothie

I love having this refreshing drink first think in the morning.
         It's bright, cheery and delic.!

Lemon is very alkalizing and detoxifying for your Liver. 
Cucumber is high in water which is great for your intestines as well as being high in potassium which helps reduce water retention.

Love, LOVE this simple and oh so health drink!!

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 lemon slice
  • In a nutri bullet or blender add 1 cucumber and Lemon.  No Water!. Just give the cucumber a chance to break up and it will be liquid...

Drink and enjoy how refreshing and instantly healthier you feel!

The Power of Raspberries

Raspberries are AMAZING for your health!!! They are on short list of medicinal foods to eat everyday.  They taste and look like candy and they pack a powerful punch of health!!   
Raspberries are rich in flavonoids quercetin and gallic acid, which plays a role in preventing health-care problems such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and age-related disease.  Why wouldn't you want to eat them every chance you had?

 1.Low calorie
 2. High Nutritional Rewards
 3. Fiber
 4. Low Sugar.  

Win! Win! Eat and be Healthy and Happy!!!!

Serving Size: 1 cup (123g) of raspberries

% Daily Value





Geri G.®


Free Radicals & Your Skin

Aging is prompted by the influx of free radicals throughout ones lifetime.  The result is that the cell membranes of the epithelial cells are compromised, consequently making nutrition of the skin a more serious anti-aging action on a daily basis.

Our bodies can handle free radical invasion under normal circumstances.  But there is nothing normal about the everyday life that most of us live these days.  Stress, poor food choices, lack of organic and pesticide free foods, diminishing ozone layer and misuse of products are compromising the body's ability to defend itself against free radicals.
The question that I want to answer for all of my readers is.... how does free radical demise happen within our cells?  Here is the quick explaination how it happens and why what you put into your bodies CAN really help prevent and slow down the aging process.

A free radical is an atom of oxygen with seven electrons.  Oxygen typically has 8 electrons.  When oxygen loses one of its electrons it will try and replace it and steal an electron from the cellular membrane.  Thus producing a free radical, which then starts a chain reaction of free radicalism.  BUT it can be prevented from happening if antioxidants are present to neutralize the oxygen atom in the first place.

IMPORTANT: Endogenous and Exogenous Antioxidants

Endogenous antioxidants: are proteins (enzymes) that are dependent on co-factors like copper, iron,  zinc, magnesium and selenium to poses a protection against free radical consumption.

Exogenous antioxidants: come from food and must be taken in on a daily basis.

It is important, though, to explain the "why" behind an action to make it more appealing for one to take the action.  That is why I tell my clients that their diet is just as important to their skin health as the products that go on it.  It's why I developed Nanomarine-5, the proprietary ingredient in all my face products.  The key to health is prevention and correction by the body on a daily basis.  It's not about "catching" up for bad behavior.  The better approach is to treat the body like a laboratory and understand that it's science that keeps us healthy not wishful thinking or luck. 

  • Rasberries 
  • Chia Seeds 
  • Wheatgrass
  • Kale 
  • Sweet Potatoes 
  • Grapefruit
  • Avocado

Check out to learn about the antioxidant ingredient in all my face products and my own antioxidant-rich nutritional line.  Get them today and start taking "action" for the best you ever!!


Some of Geri's Favorites at Trader Joe's.

My 3 Best's from Trader Joe's! 

  • Best Bread-  Organic and Sprouted- which is flour less. Who could ask for anything more! 

  • Best Raw But Butter- It's Raw and its so yummy! Just remember to eat it with a piece if bread or veggies for optimal nutrient absorption.

  • Best Raw Sunflower Seeds- Soaked I water the sunflower seeds for 4 hrs to make them sprouted, drains and grind them into a pâté with anything added for the ultimate spread.


Just another warm Summer Day

Summer is a time when we all want to look natural beautiful and one with nature- the sun!  But it can wreck havoc on our skin.  

1. Protect your skin 
2. Keep your skin hydrated with Transceutical™ Canvas
    Nanomarine-5 a key ingredient in TC is what prevents your skin from getting   dehydrated and keeps your skin flawless even WITHOUT a lot of makeup on. It creates a dewy but not too heavy veil of cushion on skin.

3. Bashful goes on the eyes, across the cheeks, temples and top of nose for a dust of shimmer glow!  In the summer it's perfect as your only face color for the perfect glow.  

4.  If you want a little more summer pop. Glowing on just the eyelids with give her eyes that perfect "pop" which is in right now.  Trust me you will look like you have been following the fashion magazine trends with just those two colors on the face.

*All that's missing is Plush Mascara (no liner in the summer) especially during the day.


Plush your LASHES!


   Geri G.® Plush Mascara instantly changes the way you look.  Eyes are brighter, younger looking and the best part is that you don't have to do anything but apply it to your lashes.  It does all the work for you! 

  • Lengthens
  • Curls
  • Volumes

   If you want even longer lashes apply Geri G.® Transceutical Canvas before using the Plush Mascara.  This is a perfect way to hydrate and condition your beautiful lashes!   Gloss your lashes and accentuate your eyes!

Key Ingredients:
Bladderwrack Extract, Nanomarine-5®, Aloe Vera, Marine Hair Enhancer, Rose Water.

See what Plush Mascara can do for your eyes. 
Here is Maria with one side Geri G.® Plush Mascara and the other without.  

Left side with Plush Mascara,
Right side with Nothing!
You can purchases Geri G. Exclusive formula at or go to one of our retailers. Please let us know if you want to see Geri G.® at your local beauty hangout.  

Tell them about us and shoot us an email with their contact info and we will be happy to have a sales representative get in touch!