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DIY TIPS for Perfecting the Skin

You want beautiful, young, healthy looking skin?  Of course you do-who wouldn't!  Well, her are my easy tips that anyone and EVERYONE should be doing for that gorgeous "wow! you are looking amazing" skin!!!

One word, ALKALINE.  The body when it is looking and feeling it best is when it is alkaline.  How do you become alkaline and stay alkaline?  By eating alkaline rich foods and avoiding foods and substances that are acidic in nature.  Do this and you will love the way you look and feel that it will keep you motivated to stay on the right path forever.

For the fast and easy track of becoming alkaline try my GREEN MEAL CAPS- 2 servings a day (4 caps) before meals.  I created them specifically to answer my clients desire for me to make being healthy and beautiful esker to stick with and incorporate into any busy lifestyle. 

Alkaline Foods:
Wheatgrass, Alfalfa, Spirulina, Cracked Cell Chlorella- all found in Geri G.® Green Meal Caps!!  
Fastest way to inner and outer beautiful, 
healthy looking SKIN!!

Leafy Greens- Kale, Spinach, lettuces, Collard Greens, Mustard greens, Turnip Greens, Cabbage, Endive

Sprouts of any kind!!

Flax, Chia: high in Omega's (anti-inflammatory)

Lemons, Grapefruit and Limes: are acidic but when ingested have an alkaline affect in the body.  Always recommend having a twist of any of these with vodka or sake to help balance the acid effects of the alcohol.

Lentils and Peas!

Oil- cured olives

Stevia: It's what I sweeten the Essential Mel with and enjoy in my Almond Milk foam everyday!!

The biggest culprit that makes most people acidic is animal products.  They are highly acidic and rob your body of youth.  You are what you eat.  Eat something that is dead and you will look like what you eat. 


Eat Sprouted and find out why!

When it comes to eating any legumes, nuts or seeds they MUST be sprouted!!!  Don't eat them unless they are.  Each one of those foods can be hard for the body to breakdown and digest.  They are dense fats and to make it easier and more nutritionally beneficial for you and your body, you always want them in a sprouted form.

Sprouted just means that they have released their own enzymes and are alive and ready to be digested.  Eating anything sprouted is so much more beneficial for the body's ability to absorb all the nutrients that the food has to offer.  It's so much easier now to find foods that are sprouted too.  Until recently most of us in the vegan-raw world had to sprout our own foods.  Now, you can purchase them from many stores in the bulk section or prepackaged.  

In my Essential Meal I included 11 different sprouts that I feel are "essential" to have everyday. I tried to do all the work for you by included them into your daily balanced meal.  Sprouts offer so many different minerals and vitamins that by having my Essential Meal at least once a day you will notice that you can cut down on consumption of non essential snacking foods.  Just by giving your body the right nutrients that trigger the right hormone releases from the brain you will have a better day

If you are lucky enough to have a Farmers Market that offers fresh Sprouts then take advantage.  My FAVORITE sprouted thing to eat is pumpkin seed. is my absolute fav... I carry them at both my locations but you can order them online.  They are located in Texas and they make all their own products. 

Here's a bonus tip:  Pumpkin seeds have protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron and GOOD FAT!  Your body craves all the nutrients in pumpkin seeds.  They actually help to fight and prevent growths in the body.  I can't live without them.  

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3 in 1 Lip gloss Creme

I developed my lip gloss creme to be a multitasking 3 in 1 formula. Say good bye to the waxy lip balms, sticky lip glosses and stinky lipsticks and say hello to my lip gloss creme! It comes in three fun colors for all seasons and all skin tones. Sunflower oil is the key ingredient with hydrating safflower oil, castor oil, aloe vera, nanomarine 5®, green tea and white tea plus natural vanilla flavor. 

Available at buy one get on free with free shipping until 

March 1st. Lip gloss creme is also offered in our Classic Trio Collection available only on or at our new Apothotique at Geri G.® locations. 

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